The Bella Citta Flooring Collection

Modern style with an old-world feel – it’s what many people are looking for in flooring today, and it’s precisely what Bella Citta provides customers. Available in many different patterns, colors, and treatments, Bella Citta flooring has an antique look that pushes forward the beauty of the wood. Whether your home has a vintage look that perfectly matches an old-world feel or you have a contemporary modern home that needs the perfect accent, this brand is simply unmatched.

Bella Citta works to select the best wood to develop this unique product, and throughout the brand’s collections, you’ll find a level of color consistency you simply won’t with other brands. Every single option is dense and durable, making it the ideal choice for any home. The brand offers a 50-year limited finish warranty as well as a lifetime limited structural integrity warranty on all of its products to help give you the peace of mind you deserve.

The Bella Citta Collection

Bella Citta offers a number of wonderful options.

Hardwood Flooring

Bella Citta hardwood flooring has a natural beauty that was designed to meet the needs of any room in your house. Take a look at the options available here.

Bella Hardwood Floors
7 Series UV: This choice offers two finish choices for durability – a UV oil finish and a UV urethane finish. It is available in seven different pattern options. Most feature a lightly wire-brushed look to help bring out the grain of the wood. The Ardesia XW, Marseille XW, and Castille options all feature reactive stained wood, which works to create color from inside the wood. The result is a beautiful two-toned color variation that isn’t possible with more traditional staining methods.
Bella Hardwood Floors 2
7 Series PLUS: This flooring series comes from certified French Oak and is carefully crafted with precision Italian Machinery. It’s created using cold press lamination, which helps build more durable, stable planks in a design that keeps shrinkage and expansion to an absolute minimum. Every option in this series can be resanded up to three times. Perhaps most importantly, it’s radiant heat compatible. The entire series is ideal for those looking for an environmentally-friendly wood flooring option, as this choice is Lacey Act Compliant, CARB II compliant, EO certified, and does not use VOCs as it is created. There are ten different patterns within this series, and each has been lightly brushed and smoked.
Bella Hardwood Floors in Living Room
9 Series Symphony: Red wine and bourbon barrels always feature some of the world’s most beautiful wood, and PRIME uses the same French Oak trees so often seen in those barrels. This series features extra wide planks and a lifetime coating system with an extreme matte finish to help enhance the grain of the wood. The result is the perfect oil finish look without the need for continual maintenance. This option is constructed from a 3-ply cross-grain pattern that reduces shrinkage and expansion. Each pattern has been wire brushed to create a smooth, durable finish. The line is both CARB II and PEFC certified as well. Two different patterns are available in this line, and each has been lightly brushed.
Bella Hardwood Floors in Living Room 2
Prime Series: As with the PLUS series, the wood involved with creating here is the same French Oak used to create beautiful red wine and bourbon barrels. The series is both fumed and lime-washed to help provide a timelessness the other series in this brand can’t match. Extra-wide planks of 9.5” are one of the main attractions here. It’s also an eco-friendly choice, utilizing wood from sustainably managed forests. The core is as dense as the top layer, which helps add to the durability of this option. It is available in three different patterns.
Bella Hardwood Floors in Kitchen
9 Series PLUS: This beautiful option features wood from logs that are “live sawn.” The wood for your floors comes from a log that is cut straight through, so you’ll see the medullar flecks and cathedral grain in every plank. From authentic knots and pith, this series features beautiful natural variations that add character to your floors. No added formaldehydes are used in the construction of this series, and thanks to an ultra-matte UV Urethane finish, you won’t have to worry about oiling or waxing these floors.
Bella Hardwood Floors by Stairs
7 UF/9UF Series: This option features two different grading options: a casual grade and a character grade. Both choices come completely unfinished. With either, though, you’ll find an average length of 5’ per section. As with most products from this manufacturer, this flooring option comes with a lifetime structural warranty. Every choice in this line is pre-filled and pre-sanded so you don’t have to worry about on-site sanding.

Bella Citta Flooring Installation

Each flooring option from Bella Citta is designed to be installed on, above, or below the grade. Most flooring from this brand is compatible with radiant heat. It can be glued, nailed or stapled, or floated. Water-based adhesives, however, should never be used with this flooring. Staple installations require at least 18 gauge staples.

Bella Citta Flooring FAQs

Do Bella Citta Floors Use Environmentally Responsible Sources?
Many of the Bella Citta flooring lines come from forests that set the bar for sustainable hardwood management. None of the trees that supply those product lines are cut unless new ones are planted. Bella Citta has made a commitment to harvesting only from certified French forests, and the trees they use are harvested only when they reach full maturity.

Do Bella Citta Floors Contribute to LEED Credits?
Several of the Bella Citta floor product lines contribute to LEED Credits. Many of the lines have low VOCs when it comes to the necessary adhesives and because they don’t use added urea-formaldehyde resins in the manufacturing process, they also qualify on that level.

What Kinds of Trees does Bella Citta Use?
Bella Citta floors are typically made from various kinds of oak. They use French and German Oak, which is quite different from those companies that use only European Oak. That allows beautiful colors that other companies cannot match. Some of their lines also use American Walnut.

Can Bella Citta Flooring Be Sanded to Provide a Different Look?
Many of their flooring lines can be sanded up to three different times thanks to the fact that their surface layer is comparable to that of solid wood.

Designer Residential Flooring Showroom

Our 3,000 square foot facility features two flooring showrooms. We invite you to browse options from leading manufacturers, including Shaw, Mohawk, Armstrong, Anderson, Fabrica, Rocca, and Datile.

Our experts are ready and waiting to review your residential flooring installation project requirements with you. Our team will be engaged with your project, from conception through installation.

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