Are you looking for beautiful hardwood floors in your home? You’re not alone. It’s easily one of the most popular flooring choices on the market today. It’s expensive, susceptible to damage from moisture, and requires quite a bit of maintenance. Installation can also take quite a bit of time. Is there an easy answer that offers you the beauty of hardwood floors without the drawbacks? Absolutely – waterproof engineered hardwood flooring. 

Not only does it make your home look absolutely stunning, but it’s also a serious time saver when you’re in the midst of a home renovation. If you haven’t considered the many prefinished engineered hardwood flooring options on the market today, it’s time to do so

The Time Savings Involved

For both homeowner and contractor, the prefinished engineered hardwood flooring can save significant time during a remodel. The flooring does not need to be sanded or finished after it has been installed. Instead, it can be installed, and the remodel can move forward.

The Other Advantages of Prefinished Engineered Hardwood Flooring in Your Home Remodel

Are there other reasons you should talk to your contractor about this beautiful option? Absolutely. Look at just a few of the biggest advantages of this flooring choice. 

  1. Looks Professional: When the engineered wood is prefinished at the factory, the end result is usually a durable and smooth product with no mistakes. The finish is usually done in a dust-free booth under the perfect spraying conditions. The result is a smooth coating that is aesthetically pleasing. In addition, if the finish does not look right, another thin coat may be applied until the desired result is achieved.
  2. Less Mess: Because the sanding and finish are already done at the factory, there is usually less mess for the homeowner to clean up. All the prefinished engineered wood requires is installation. There may be some minor cleanup but nothing major like cleaning up following sanding and finishing.
  3. Less Exposure to Toxic Chemicals: Since the prefinished product is sanded and finished at the factory, the homeowner is less likely to be exposed to any fumes or noxious gases that are released. Even sanding can produce aerosolized particles that can aggravate lung disease

Finding the Right Prefinished Engineered Hardwood Flooring To Meet Your Needs

Sold on this option for your upcoming home remodel? Let us help. We always offer our customers an honest, straightforward approach to flooring. We’ll help you connect with a product that meets your needs and makes a powerful statement in your home remodeling project. Ready to see what we have available for you? Contact us today to learn more.