As industry experts start to become familiar with porcelain, they’re finding many uses for it throughout the home outside of flooring applications. The latest trend? The bathroom. Can a porcelain slab be used in a shower? How popular are porcelain shower wall panels? In many spaces, absolutely.

The Power of Porcelain

Porcelain is strong, easily maintained, and conveys a powerfully clean aesthetic no matter where it’s installed, and that’s as true in the bathroom as it is anywhere else in your home.

Porcelain shower wall panels are very resilient and remarkably easy to keep clean. This makes them an increasingly popular choice as homeowners look for materials that don’t need to be scrubbed every other day just to resist dirt and bacteria build-up. It’s important to note, though, that while it can be used in the shower itself, it’s not well suited for the floor. It’s far too slippery.

Why Consider Porcelain in the Shower?

There are a number of reasons you may want to consider the use of porcelain in the shower. Here are just a few.

  • Durability: Porcelain is actually denser than ceramic. It is made from a mix of clay and minerals, which are fired at very high temperatures. This makes it resistant to water, as well as staining and bacteria. Porcelain is well known for its durability and hardiness; it has been used in the flooring industry for decades and has stood the test of time when it comes to durability and hardness, so you get a beautiful material that will last for years to come. Porcelain is both water and moisture resistant, which makes it ideal for use in areas of moisture like the shower. More importantly, porcelain tiles are not affected by the hot steam generated during showering as they are not porous, enhancing their durability.
  • Style: Porcelain is available in a range of colors and patterns- from light to dark colors and can even mimic the look of high-end marble. At the same time, newer trends show porcelain in an incredible range: from textured industrial looks to the evocative natural appearance of wood. In addition, there are options for polished or matte finishes. Porcelain tiles can evoke natural beauty and amplify light to make a bathroom and shower brighter even without the use of harsh or hot lights. These classic looks never go out of style.
  • Maintenance: Because porcelain is relatively resistant to stains and scuff marks, this also makes it easy to clean and maintain. Porcelain cleaning is easily done with a cloth and warm water. In some cases, you may need to use a mild detergent, but you should avoid the use of abrasives or potent chemicals.
  • Added Value: While porcelain tiles are slightly more expensive, they can add investment value to your bathroom, increasing the overall value of your home.

Think porcelain might be the right choice in your bathroom? Give us a call today to learn more.

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