Choosing new flooring for your home or business is not an easy task. There are so many options, each with their own sets of pros and cons. One of the biggest dilemmas we see with our customers is in choosing between two of the most popular flooring choices – wood or carpet.

Like other types of flooring, wood and carpet have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. For instance, wood flooring is as durable as it is beautiful, and with proper care and maintenance, they’ll last for many, many years. It’s very easy to clean, and it can even help alleviate allergy symptoms because it doesn’t hold dust and pet dander like carpet does. There are also a number of styles and colors in wood flooring, from plank width to finish to wood type. Finally, wood floors work with just about every taste in decor and furnishings, making them an incredibly versatile option.

On the other hand, carpet is the preferred choice for many south Florida residents. Carpet is beautiful, it feels good to walk on, and it’s quieter. Carpet also acts as an insulator, which can translate to energy savings over the long term. Another big draw with carpet is that it is generally less expensive than hardwood flooring. It also comes in a huge variety of styles, textures, colors, and patterns. Carpet installation is also usually faster and easier than wood floor installation.

When trying to choose between carpet and wood flooring, consider these factors:

• Style and how it will look with your decor
• Personal preference
• Long term plans
• Budget
• Care and maintenance

So which is better: hardwood flooring or carpet installation? The jury is still out on this one because they both are fantastic choices! The verdict will come down to you and the factors listed above, but rest assured that whichever you go with, you’re making a great choice.