What are the best healthcare flooring options? Which surfaces will help you improve patient satisfaction scores, reduce injury, and cut down on custodial and maintenance time? Let’s take a look.

Patient Satisfaction Scores and Flooring for Hospitals

Patient satisfaction surveys can impact patient choice of hospital and reimbursement. Quality of care is the most important factor, but there are others that serve to improve these scores. The environment a patient stays in can improve their ability to rest, recover, and their general mood.

Options such as rubber or luxury vinyl already install easy, repel bacteria, resist fluids, and endure under heavy loads. They also reduce the noise of footsteps and voices carrying. This helps patients sleep and recover. These materials also offer a range of aesthetic choices. This allows your flooring to be bright and reassuring, as well as to reflect light in hallways that don’t always have access to windows with natural light.

Reduce Injury

Rubber flooring offers a great aesthetic and sound qualities as well as the ability to reduce injury. Rubber absorbs much of the impact, it’s far less likely to result in significant harm.

When having flooring for hospitals installed, be sure that the borders between rooms and different flooring types are flush and gradual. This reduces height difference where patients with trouble walking might trip and injure themselves.

Maintenance Time and Cost

Rubber and luxury vinyl flooring both hold up well under foot traffic and heavy loads. They’re also easy to clean and sanitize in an efficient manner. A few minutes saved on every floor quickly adds up.

Maintenance over time can be costly. Flooring for hospitals with the right material and installation choices will last an incredibly long time, meaning that future costs are reduced and can be used on other elements the hospital needs. When you reduce next year’s costs, you add to the resources you can spend in other ways next year.

Hospital flooring has a tough job; choose surfaces that are equal to the task.

East Coast Flooring & Interiors stands as the premier choice for hospital flooring solutions. With a proven track record of excellence, we offer a comprehensive range of high-quality flooring options designed to meet the unique demands of healthcare environments. Our expert team understands the critical balance between functionality, safety, and aesthetics required in hospitals, ensuring that every project is executed seamlessly. Trust us to deliver innovative flooring solutions that create a conducive and hygienic space for patients, staff, and visitors alike.

A Guide to Choosing the Right Hospital Flooring | East Coast Flooring & Interiors