Outdoor shower flooring has to meet a number of needs. Obviously, you want it to look the part. You also want it to stay clean, lead to the drain naturally, and avoid deteriorating. Outdoor stone tile fulfills all these needs better than other options.

Why Do Other Flooring Options Fail for Outdoor Showers?

Some choose wood or concrete for outdoor showers, but these can be mistakes that lead to headaches and require replacement sooner rather than later:

  • Weather-resistant wood is popular among the DIY crowd, but after enough uses, it can become a danger for splintering and growing mildew. Yes, you can leave a space underneath to circulate air, but that requires a sturdier build, becomes a risk for leaking, and – because it’s dark – leads to mold growth. Wood poses initial problems, and every solution to one problem creates another. It’s just not a reliable idea.
  • Concrete is another option, but it requires a lot of digging to do right. It can also be difficult to get the drainage correct. It usually requires tilting the frame, which can make it ever-so-slightly less visually appealing. It can also feel artificial underfoot, which makes the shower less comforting. You also need a finish on the concrete that creates texture for your feet to grip, but this can also create areas where a bit of wear leads to sharp edges underfoot.

Why Does Outdoor Stone Tile Succeed?

A dual outdoor shower with outdoor stone tile flooringStone tile for outdoor shower flooring has a number of obvious advantages:

  • Stone is water resistant, which means it’s durable and won’t wear. Natural texture means that it’s slip-resistant without creating sharp edges.
  • Stone remains gently cool underfoot in hot weather, and can warm where the sun shines on it.
  • Stone is easy to space for proper, efficient drainage, but it’s also mold and mildew-resistant.
  • Stone feels very natural underfoot, so the shower will be comfortable and soothing when you use it. It requires far less checking and maintenance than wood. Using a good looking, natural stone like bluestone or river rock helps the space feel natural and relaxing.
  • Best of all, a shower built with outdoor stone tile really feels like an outdoor feature. It feels sturdy instead of rickety like wood, and natural instead of artificial like concrete. Different stones take advantage of the sun in different ways, and the natural qualities of stone look beautiful as water runs over them.

Everything you look for in outdoor shower flooring is just better with stone.

>> For the best outdoor shower flooring solutions, contact the experts at East Coast Flooring & Interiors.