Palm Beach Celebrity homes

Palm Beach Celebrity Homes (and How We’d Floor Them)

From pictures on the internet, it appears that most Palm Beach celebrity homes have expensive furnishing, exotic art, luxurious furniture, state of art stereo system, huge swimming pools with a sauna, and many other things. What is often not revealed is that these celebrity homes also have posh flooring in almost every room. In many
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A surgeon getting ready to operate in an OR featuring hygienic surgical flooring

Operating Room Flooring Options

Operating rooms need to meet strict infection control requirements. Surgical flooring is one of the most important elements in achieving them. Operating room flooring options must be hygienic, sterile, and sealed, but that’s just the beginning. They also have to be exceptionally durable. They have to maintain these qualities for years under the constant stress
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vinyl patterns, luxury vinyl tile

9 Flooring Patterns for Luxury Vinyl Tile

  Luxury vinyl tile can be arranged in a surprisingly wide range of patterns. These vinyl patterns can be orderly and regular, or very complex. Keep in mind what else is going on with the room. A room with a lot of decorations will benefit from a floor that’s uses relatively predictable patterns. This doesn’t
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