Ask any carpet installer in South Florida, and he or she will quickly tell you that stains are the most common reason to replace old carpeting. It happens to almost every person with carpet sooner or later. Someone tracks in dirt and mud after a particularly bad rainstorm. A glass of wine is dumped on the floor by accident. A child drops a hot dog slathered in ketchup. A pet gets ill and leaves stains on the carpeting. No matter what the situation, carpet stains are one of the most common headaches you can encounter, but this guide can help you remove most of them without a problem.

All-Purpose Stain Removers

There are a number of choices that should be your go-to for various kinds of stains.

Almost any carpet stain can be pulled out thanks to something you probably already have on hand – a bottle of ammonia. You simply apply a cup of clear ammonia dissolved in a half-gallon of warm water. Let it dry completely, then repeat if you need to.

Looking for something a bit easier to find on your shelves? Grab the vinegar. With a mixture of two tablespoons of salt and a half cup of white vinegar added to a light stain, you’ll have problems even seeing where it once was. Have something a little darker to get out? Consider adding two tablespoons of borax, then allowing it to dry. Vacuum it up the next day for complete removal.

Shaving cream is ideal on many types of stains, including grease and oil. Just work it in, let it dry, then rub it off with a damp cloth.
Your other options under this category include cornstarch and milk, borax, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, club soda, and baby wipes.

Removing Drink Stains

Coffee and tea stains are insidious. They look terrible, and they seem to stay locked in forever. The trick to getting them out might seem odd, but it’s actually beer. Rub it lightly into your carpeting, and the stain should disappear instantly.

Removing Red Wine and Ketchup

Red stains like red wine and ketchup make for a problem, but salt is the way to go. Just mix one part salt to four parts rubbing alcohol, and you have the perfect way to get rid of the stain.

Removing Ink Stains

No one wants to fight with ink on the carpet, but if you find yourself with that type of stain, just head for the garage and grab your can of WD-40. Spray it on, wait a few minutes, add regular carpet cleaner, and clean it with a sponge and water.

Removing Blood Stains

Blood stains are everyone’s worst nightmare, but a bit of meat tenderizer and cold water should do the trick. Cover the stain, let it sit for thirty minutes, then rinse it in cold water.

As you work to eliminate these stains from your carpeting, be sure to use helpful tools like toothbrushes to erase the stains entirely.